Engagement Rings & Matrimonial Bands

Sacred Vessels of Matrimony

A poetic riddle I remember from my chidhood spoke of “a bottomless container to put flesh and blood in” to describe a ring for a princess’ finger. Years later, when a couple asked me to make some 25th anniversary bands from leftover silver I had from fashioning my first chalice, I received an insight in prayer that rings symbolizing the matrimonial covenant may be appropriately described as chalices for the spouses’ fingers. Just as a sacred vessel contains the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ—ceaselessly offered for and received by His Bride, the Church—so does a matrimonial band contain the flesh and blood of the total self donation that spouses ceaselessly offer for and receive from each other. Because a ring is bottomless, it never ceases to be filled with the life of the husband and wife, laid down for each other in token of “no greater love”.